Monday, May 26, 2014


Jika anda lalui Highway, pernahkah anda nampak Billboard / Sign Board seperti dibawah?

CDTUP INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD juga berdaftar dalam Akta Jualan Langsung 1993 di bawah Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Koperasi Dan Kepenggunaan.

TAPI Akhirnya.... CDTUP INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD (864573-V)(AJL 931866) berpengkalan di laman telah diserbu Pihak Berkuasa China.

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“云数贸”涉嫌传销 号称能打造全球首富


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In last week's program, together we experience the one called "cloud several trade" Alliance website, claims to be able to create the world 's richest man . As long as you have the ability to develop off the assembly line , you can get a rebate , this behavior immediately aroused the vigilance of reporters , will not be everyone shouting MLM it? We also contacted law enforcement officials , but unfortunately, this "cloud number of trade " has been deserted . But yesterday , another viewer called and said to be in Weihai an office building , and saw the clouds a few traces of trade .

Broke the news , told reporters the number of trade companies , this cloud , just opened last week , she was a friend into a lie , the company is very strange, is not listed on the child hold the opening of firecrackers , but the organization of collective guests lectures .

Broke the news said that he had been deceived MLM gang , lost millions , the company is very much like the large ones and MLM , no acquaintances simply get in, the reporter who broke into an office building in Weihai road , trying to by another member , the reporter into a 370 room.

Two tables , a few chairs , a worn sofa , the room furnishings is quite simple, two staff members and a woman , never seen before reporters , but one is quite enthusiastic to meet each other , while pouring sides began to talk of the world economy .

Never met , but talk like Laoyouchongfeng , the pattern of the domestic economy from the world , from the holding company to network development , the reporter is heard the more confused, what drugs they sell sleeve in the end ? McCain mountains 20 minutes , the man finally come to the question , the number of trade is a cloud site , a Chinese man holding his own , national strength and prosperity of the site , buying companies IPO, not only patriotic , but also earn a lot of money .

It is the familiar words , a few days ago , reporters in Chongqing Road a residential building to see that group of people , the same way the opening . A membership network, requires a minimum of 500 dollars to buy the IPO , the maximum amount is not limited. Become the largest shareholder benefit , do not rely on stocks to make money, but by the development of offline kickbacks .

Exactly the same ones , all in the name buy IPO actually develop the assembly line, pull the head to get the commission, suspected pyramid routine, specifically how to do ? This place has gathered many people ? Reporters asked can buy the stock , but the condition is to see a higher level of leadership , and look at other members of the computer records , after some hesitation, the woman eventually reporter brought 251 rooms.

The man said , no matter how many shares to buy , do not warrant the temporary , receipts , invoices consequently , the only give is a membership card , the reporter asked to see documents related to the company, the other party has the same have not come out . Although people do not know what Huoer backing , the last interview with reporters on the number of trade checked the cloud company 's bottom line , Xinhua news was released , in 2013 the Ministry of Public Security announced the top ten MLM typical case, the eighth case is " cloud number trade Union Network " suspected pyramid schemes . Cases involving 19 million people in 28 provinces nationwide , involving 160 million yuan .

After the reporter tried to get away , and immediately reported the case to the police and the business sector .

According to reporters photographed video , law enforcement officers , that this is a suspected pyramid scheme dens , this time enforcement action will not be harvested it, later on we continue to focus on .

VIDEO Pejabat CDTUP diserbu

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Nak share skit cerita aku:

Aku pon join YSLM ni pada bulan Feb'14 dgn modal RM300 jer. Pastu aku start promote kat member2 aku dan budak2 kilang di seluruh PJ dan S.Alam...diorg minat beb...mcm goreng pisang panas...ada yg sampai nak gadai rantai emas, nak keluar duit dari ASB & Tabung Haji sebab nak kejar yg pakej RM 4.5K tu....

The next day, aku try nak promo kat member aku di group utara pasal biz YSLM ni..tapi kawan aku ni ckp kat aku "better ko stop, esok aku mai KL explain pasal modus operadi YSLM ni"...So dlm fikiran aku ni dah serabut sebab aku dok promo kat ramai org tapi aku masih belom key in atau ambik duit org lagi sebab tunggu member aku dari utara ni.

Pastu the following day, kawan aku sampai ajak lepak mamak kat KLCC (NZ corner)...dia pon bukak la cerita yg pada mulanya aku bantah dan protect YSLM ni. Dia explain kat aku mcm ni:

kita nak jadi ahli byr RM 300...betul..
Pastu kenal 2 org member dapat balik modal kat tangan RM 300 balik...betul.
Tapi duit key in org tu sampai tak ke company?..jawapannya TAK
Abis duit register tu masok poket leader...Jawapannya BETUL

So dari kesimpulan yg kawan aku cite disini, Leader sedang cair point mereka atas duit key in org ramai..and then setakat ni tadak plak bonus income dibayar dari akaun company ke ahli mcm sykt yg lain byr bonus pakai Bank....
So aku terkedu sekejap...sebab dah nampak money game sebenarnya...So aku tarik handbrake utk stop YSLM ni sebab 2 sebab iaitu:

1. Money game
2. "Ade udang disebalik batu"

Maksud aku "Ada udang disebalik batu" tu..sebab kawan aku dari utara ni baik hati nak share sebab Biz YSLM ni di control Tokan besar segala bapak money Zhang Jian tu "kambing hitam" dlm biz ini...Tokan ni lantik Zhang Jian tu utk promote YSLM ni..

Pastu member aku cite lagi...Tokan money game ni Kebal sebab ada boleh bayar pihak berkuasa utk tutup kes...pastu aku pelik juga sebab sijil AJL tu dlm seminggu siap selalu ambik masa 1-2 bulan utk proses...pastu kawan aku ckp "duit ada, boleh bayar jer...pomm sijil dah kuar serta sijil ssm yg boleh kutip deposit lagi"...

Baru aku paham modus operadi ni...Tokan money game ni dah kutip dekat RM 300 juta dah..pastu aku tanya lagi..abis bagi RM 80K utk BMW tu apa and buat iklan pelbagai dan ada kedai tu ape dia??kawan aku ckp "kata la duit dah kutip RM 300 juta, Tokan money game ni labur balik dlm RM 120 juta..So dia dah untung dlm RM 180 Juta...contoh..ape nak kisah..dah collect banyak dah.."

So aku pikir...betul jugak kan. member gruop utara ada yg dah stop promote sebab modus operandi ni (TAK SEMUA GRUOP UTARA LA...HANYA SEGELINTIR SHJ)

Sekarang, member aku bagi info Tokan money game ni dah buat program baru utk tutup YSLM ni...program baru ni juga ada e-share dan ada IPO hong kong...aku tanya dia "mana hang dapat info ni?" dia ckp balik "Tokan ni dah jumpa group utk start biz baru ni...sebab dia cari leader2 besar utk promo"

So itu Sahaja cite aku ni....Terpulang nak percaya atau tidak..

Sekian dan Terima Kasih.

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