Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Petua Kesihatan: Duduk betul depan komputer

Banyak orang yang duduk depan komputer berjam-jam, sama ada kerja atau melayari internet, termasuk berfacebook. Selalunya, terlalu lama duduk menyebabkan sakit belakang dan jika keadaan ini terterusan, dikhuatiri akhirnya akan menjejaskan kesihatan. Oleh itu, kedudukan badan, kaki dan tapak kaki yang betul akan membantu mengurangkan rasa sakit belakang.
Cadangan/petua duduk yang berikut diberikan oleh The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons…. sama-sama kita mencubanya, semoga bermanfaat…
Health Tip: Sit Properly at the Computer
Suggestions for setting up your chair
It’s important to maintain proper posture when sitting at the computer.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers these suggestions:
* Opt for a chair that is easy to adjust, feels stable, includes a backrest, and with wheels that touch the floor at a minimum of five points.
* Make sure your knees are at the level of your hips while your feet are planted on the floor.
* Use adjustable armrests to support your arms and place your elbows close to your waist.
* Make sure the seat is padded and offers at least an inch of room beyond your thighs and hips.
* The seat should slightly point toward the floor. There also should be some room between the back of your knees and the seat.
– Diana Kohnle

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