Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Diet bagi pesakit batu karang di ginjal

Seringkali kita dengar ramai orang mengidap atau menjadi pesakit batu karang sama ada di ginjal, di hempedu atau di saluran perkumuhan yang lain. Orang yang pernah mengalaminya saja yang tahu betapa sakitnya jika menjadi pengidap batu karang di ginjal atau saluran kencing. Namun begitu, keadaan ini boleh dikurangkan atau dirawat terus dengan pelbagai langkah tertentu, sama ada dari segi rawatan perubatan atau menjaga dan berhati-hati dengan makanan harian yang diambil.
Berikut dikongsikan maklumat tentang diet yang sesuai bagi pesakit batu karang karang, terutamanya bagi batu karang di ginjal (buah pinggang)….. semoga maklumat ini berguna dan bermanfaat kepada sesiapa yang memerlukannya. Selamat mencuba…..
Kidney Stone Diet
Kidney stones can cause a lot of pain, and in some cases, could lead to several more serious medical conditions. Although once diagnosed, kidney stones can easily be treated, it would still be important to be aware of the kidney stone diet that you need to follow in order to treat and prevent kidney stones. Here are some of the elements of a kidney stone diet.
1. First off, make sure to limit your protein intake.
Excessive protein consumption could strain the kidneys. People who usually go on high-protein diets would be bodybuilders or those who are intending to lose weight. As a result, they usually develop several kidney problems. If you already have kidney stones or if you would like to prevent their formation, make sure to limit your consumption of food that is high in protein such as dairy products. However, do not cut out protein from your diet altogether as your body needs some amount of protein as well to function properly.
2. Since high levels of calcium intake could also lead to kidney stones.
Make sure to limit but not avoid your consumption of food that are high in calcium. However, try to steer clear of taking calcium-based antacids and high-calcium supplements.
3. Avoid or limit intake of foods which are high in oxalates such as chocolate, spinach, yogurt, fish, poultry, pork, eggs, tea, rhubarb, beets, wheat bran, nuts and strawberries. 
Oxalate or oxalic acid is a chemical substance which usually combines with calcium and forms kidney stones. Some foods which are low in oxalate would include: radish, grapefruit, rice, oatmeal, green grapes, lemons, melons, plums and mushrooms.
4. Avoid eating generally unhealthy food choices such as food with white flour, foods that are high is sugar and soda.
Soda or soft drinks have high levels of phosphorous acid which could affect the metabolism of calcium, which increases the chances of kidney stone formation.
5. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids, specifically water.
Water helps in making sure that your urine would be dilute, which would effectively prevent kidney stones from forming. Try to drink enough water, around 10 to 12 glasses, to make you urinate not less than two quarts of urine per day.
6. Limit your intake of salty foods such as chips, as excessive sodiumcould lead to the formation of kidney stones.
7. Eat a lot of food which are high in potassium, as many studies have shown that potassium can help in reducing the urinary calcium excretion, which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Some of the foods which are high in potassium would be bananas, citrus fruits, beans, green leafy vegetables, mint, milk, potatoes, molasses, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, seafood, watercress and tomatoes.
8. Also try to consume food which is high in insoluble fiber such as oats and bran, as this could reduce calcium absorption, in turn reducing the amount of urinary calcium that leads to kidney stone formation.
9. It would also be advisable to eat foods which are rich in citrate or citric acid, as this could prevent the formation of kidney stones.
These are just some of the pointers that you need to consider as you plan a kidney stone diet that could help in the treatment or the prevention of kidney stones. However, in addition to your kidney stone diet, you would also need to make sure that you would be consulting with your physician as to what medications or medical procedures are necessary in the treatment of your kidney stones.

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