Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Kecerdasan Emosi (IQ)

Sejak kebelakangan ini kita selalu mendengar orang berbicara tentang kecerdasan emosi, yang semakin dianggap penting dalam kehidupan manusia hari ini. Penggabungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan kecedasan emosi membolehkan seseorang itu mencapai kejayaan dan keharmonian dalam kehidupan.
Sebelum ini kita hanya menitikberatkan dan menganggap bahawa kecerdasan akal atau intelektual akan menentukan kejayaan hidup seseorang itu. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak kes di mana seseorang yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi kurang berjaya berbanding dengan orang yang mempunyai tingkat kecedasan emosi yang tinggi. Ini membuktikan bahawa kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi tidak menjamin seseorang itu akan meraih kejayaan dalam hidupnya.
Apa sebenarnya Kecerdasan Emosi (Emotional Intelligence – IQ)?
Kecerdasan Emosi merangkumi pengendalian diri, semangat dan ketekunan serta kemampuan memotivasikan diri sendiri dan bertahan menghadapi kegagalan, kesanggupan mengendalikan dorongan hati dan emosi.
Kecerdasan emosi ini juga sangat berkait rapat dengan pegangan agama seseorang itu. Orang yang lebih kuat iman dan kepercayaannya kepada Yang Maha Pencipta, maka lebih tinggilah kecerdasan emosinya. Orang yang mudah kecewa, sehingga ke tahap jemu untuk hidup dan ada yang sanggup membunuh diri, mempunyai tahap kecerdasan emosi yang rendah.
Artikel berikut menerangkan dengan lebih lanjut tentang nisbah kecerdasan emosi dan kaitannya dengan kebahagiaan hidup seseorang….

Emotional Intelligence Quotient
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario
It was long believed that most people are hardwired to be either naturally happy or not, regardless of life events. But this view has changed in recent years as more becomes known about the science of happiness.
From an in-depth money, happiness, and satisfaction study done in 2010, Denmark ranks No. 1 in life satisfaction, seventh on positive feelings, and fifth in income. Comparatively, the United States ranks No. 1 in income but ranked 16th in life satisfaction and 26th on positive feelings.
For quite some time, research has indicated that negative emotions are more powerful than positive ones, evidenced in a study that revealed that people don’t have equal reactions to winning $3 vs. losing $3. Still, while negative emotions might edge out positive emotions in the moment, positive emotions appear to win out over time because they let you build on what you have.
In general, happy people do NOT have higher incomes or higher intellect than most.
There is no evidence to show that money is directly related to happiness or intellect. Studies have found that happier people generally: express gratitude on a regular basis; practice being optimistic; engage in frequent acts of kindness; savor joyful events, and practice forgiveness.
At what age are people happiest?
It’s a fact: People are happier, less stressed, and feel better about themselves after age 50! A recent survey of more than 340,000 people showed overall feelings of well-being improve as people pass middle age. Researchers report negative emotions such as stress and anger decline after the early 20s, and people over 50 worry less than younger folks. The authors say it may be as simple as this: With age comes increased wisdom and emotional intelligence.
Which pair of chemicals is NOT used by the body to feel good?
Cortisol and prolactin
In terms of happiness, mood elevation is associated with a release of serotonin, endorphins — the body’s natural opiates — and oxytocin, also known as the “love/comfort/compassion” hormone. As for tryptophan, the body can’t make it, so diet must supply this chemical, which is found poultry, meat, cheese, yogurt, fish, and eggs.
What makes people happier?
Good news for folks whose bedrooms have more activity than their bank accounts: Research shows that sex is better for your happiness than money. Overall, the happiest folks are those getting the most sex: married people, who report 30% more between-the-sheet action than single folks.
What is the mesolimbic pathway?
The part of the brain that is associated with feeling of joy.
A part of the brain called the mesolimbic pathway is the brain’s reward center, which is associated with feelings of joy.
Which method is used to help people gain physical and emotional healing and wellness?
Music therapy
Music therapy, the use of music to gain physical and emotional healing and wellness, is a healthy way to express oneself. The rhythm and tone of music can excite you or relax you. Music therapy can help reduce your heart rate and blood pressure and increase your ability to think, learn, reason, and remember.
Having a positive outlook doesn’t mean you never allow yourself to feel sadness. “Happiness is not the absence of sadness,” says David Spiegel, MD, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. It is not a stiff upper lip or the pop psychology mantra, intoning “always stay upbeat” in the face of cancer. “Phony happiness is not good.” By suppressing sadness, you suppress other, more positive emotions, as well, he says, so people who try to suppress emotions actually become more anxious and depressed.
Which is better to improve one’s own sense of happiness?
Sure, pleasure is great and you need plenty of it, though there is more to happiness than racking up pleasurable experiences. Psychologists studying the effects of positive emotions say gratitude can improve our sense of happiness if we turn it into a conscious and regular practice. Feeling gratitude, they say, is something you do (such as expressing gratitude or keeping a gratitude journal) vs. something you wait for!
“Hedonophobia,” “hedonism,” and “hedonist” are terms rooted in the Greek word for pleasure.
Hedonophobia, hedonism, and hedonist are all words derived from the Greek word hedone , which means pleasure or delight. “Hedonism” is a philosophy that emphasizes pleasure as the main aim of life, and a “hedonist” is a pleasure-seeker.
What do laughter and comedy do for the human body?
Boost blood flow and immunity
Some studies have shown that the ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells. Other research at the University of Maryland studied the effects on blood vessels when people were shown either comedies or dramas. After the screening, the blood vessels of the group who watched the comedy behaved normally — expanding and contracting easily. But the blood vessels in people who watched the drama tended to tense up, restricting blood flow.

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