Friday, November 11, 2011

Loneliness May Disrupt Sleep

Kesunyian sering dialami oleh seseorang yang merasai ia hidup terasing tanpa rakan, sahabat atau ahli keluarga yang boleh dikongsi perasaan, atau mungkin juga disebabkan kurang bergaul dengan orang lain. Dalam keramaian pun seseorang itu boleh merasa sunyi. Ini terjadi kerana seseorang itu merasakan orang-orang yang berada di sekelilingnya tidak mempunyai frekuensi, sikap, kefahaman yang sama yang menyebabkannya sukar untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan orang lain. Kesunyian melampau boleh membawa kepada pelbagai penyakit mental.
Benarkah kesunyian boleh mengganggu kualiti tidur seseorang?
Kajian pakar terkini menunjukkan bahawa kesunyian boleh mengganggu kualiti dan jumlah masa tidur seseorang. Jika ini dibiarkan, akhirnya ia akan menganggu kesihatan. Perasaan sunyi ini menyebabkan seseorang itu selalu terjaga malam, menjadikan masa tidur cukup yang diperlukan oleh badan terganggu. Ini menyebabkan ia berasa letih, mengantuk, hilang fokus, hilang mood atau “moody” pada keesokan harinya, yang akhirnya menganggu kualiti kerja dan aktiviti harian yang lain.
Oleh itu, jangan biarkan diri merasa sunyi sama ada semasa bersendirian atau dalam keramaian. Hati yang sunyi boleh disi dengan ibadat dan sentiasa mengingati Allah SWT (berzikir) dan bersolawat banyak-banyak. Insya Allah hati yang sunyi akan terubat kerana merasakan sentiasa ada Allah SWT bersama kita. Jika ini dapat dilakukan, insya Allah hati yang sunyi akan menjadi ceria dan bahagia.
Artikel berkaitan dipanjangkan di bawah ini…
Loneliness May Disrupt Sleep
Study Shows That People Who Feel Lonely Are More Likely to Wake Up During the Night
By Jennifer Warner
Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

Feeling lonely may make it harder to get a good night’s sleep.
A new study shows that people who feel lonely are more likely to wake up during the night and have fragmented sleep. Study results may help explain why loneliness is associated with ill health effects.
“Loneliness,” says Lianne Kurina, PhD, “has been associated with adverse effects on health. We wanted to explore one potential pathway for this.” Kurina is an assistant professor in the department of health studies at the University of Chicago.
In a news release from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Kurina says that sleep is a key behavior for staying healthy. So researchers wanted to explore the effect feeling lonely could have on sleep.
What they found, Kurina says, is that loneliness does not appear to change how much sleep a person gets. It does, though, wake them more often during the night.
Loneliness and Quality of Sleep
The study was published in the journal Sleep. In it, researchers evaluated the effect loneliness has on both the quality and the amount of sleep people get.
The participants — 95 adults living in South Dakota — wore a wristband that measured their sleep patterns for one week. In particular, the band recorded sleep fragmentation and duration.
People with higher levels of loneliness, the study shows, are more likely to wake frequently during the night. As the loneliness score increases, so does the amount of fragmented sleep.
There was no association between loneliness and total sleep or daytime sleepiness.
People in the study were part of a close-knit farming community. Consequently, the study highlights that loneliness and social isolation are two different concepts. The difference between them is perception.
Feelings of loneliness come from a perception of isolation and lack of connections with people.
The effect that loneliness has on sleep, Kurina says, seems to hold true across the range of “perceived connectedness.” She concludes that studies such as this one can further the understanding of how social and psychological factors can “get under the skin and affect health.”

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