Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stretches to Help You Sleep Better Tonight

Bagi sesiapa yang sukar untuk tidur malam, bolehlah buat senaman regangan seperti yang dipaparkan di bawah ini yang dikatakan boleh membantu kita untuk tidur nyenyak dan seterusnya mendapat tidur yang berkualiti….. selamat mencuba!
Stretches to Help You Sleep Better Tonight

Workout by Kay Kay Clivio, an instructor at Pure Yoga in New York City
Do these stretches right before bed to fall asleep faster and sleep better.
1. Sleeping Swan
What you’ll need: A pillow
Tip: With each pose, breathe in and out through your nose for a calming effect on the nervous system.
Targets: Neck, shoulders, back, hips, and legs
* Sit on floor with pillow in front of you. Bend left knee, bringing sole of left foot to right inner thigh. Lift butt and extend right leg behind you.
* Staying centered, gently hinge forward from hips, placing head on pillow. Extend arms forward, elbows slightly bent.
* Hold for 8 to 10 breaths. Roll back up. Switch legs; repeat.
2. Happy Baby
Targets: Back, hips, and hamstrings
* Lie faceup. Bend knees into chest and grab inside edges of feet with hands, palms out.
* Bring knees out to sides, then lower toward armpits, keeping heels above knees, feet flexed.
* Hold for 8 to 10 breaths, gently rocking from side to side.
3. Bridge
Targets: Hips and legs
* Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on floor, arms extended by sides, palms up.
* Keeping shoulders down, engage abs and press into heels to lift hips and back to form a diagonal line from shoulders to knees.
* Hold for 8 to 10 breaths; lower.
4. Seated Side Bend
Targets: Neck, shoulders, back, and obliques
* Sit on pillow in a cross-legged position. Place left hand on floor to side of hip, left elbow slightly bent. Extend right arm by ear.
* Lean to left, keeping butt on floor, shoulders down.
* Hold for 8 to 10 breaths. Switch sides; repeat.
5. Rag Doll
Targets: Neck, shoulders, back, and hips
* Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
* Place right hand on left elbow, left hand on right elbow.
* Bend over from hips, letting arms and head hang down.
* Hold for 8 to 10 breaths. Gently roll back up.
Originally published in FITNESS magazine, January 2009.

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