Saturday, October 26, 2013

8 Negara Dunia Yang Tiada Cukai Pendapatan

Here’s a list of 8 countries which do not impose income tax, based on a survey conducted by KPMG:

1. Kuwait -oil industry accounts for 80 percent of government revenue.

2. Oman -exempts tax as an incentive to encourage their expansion and development

3. Qatar - Zero income tax, is one of the countries with the lowest tax rates in the world.

4. United Arab Emirates -The UAE is a federation of seven emirates, each governed by a hereditary emir, with a single national president. The UAE does not have any federal income tax on wages or salaries. Each emirate can impose income taxes but none do.

5. Bahamas - The government derives its revenue from import tariffs, license fees, property and stamp taxes, but there is no income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, value-added tax, or wealth tax.

6. Brunei

7. Bahrain - It is a tax free economy with no withholding tax, corporate tax, income tax and VAT.

8. Maldives

9. Malaysia.....opps silap typo lak....kene tunggu 100 tahun lg kot 


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