Friday, November 18, 2011

7 Warning Signs of Diabetes

Disebabkan cara pemakanan yang kurang sihat dan pelbagai jenis makanan lazat yang tersedia, semakin banyak orang yang mendapat penyakit diabetes (kencing manis), bukan saja pada orang tua malahan remaja pun sudah banyak yang menjadi pengidap kencing manis. Terlalu banyak makan karbohidrat, makanan bergula, makanan ringan yang tidak berkhasiat dari segi pemakanan, dan minuman gas menyebabkan semakin ramai yang mendapat penyakit ini.
Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang itu berisiko tinggi mendapat diabetes, iaitu

** Sejarah keluarga yang memang mengidap diabetes.

** Berpenyakit darah tinggi
** Profil lipid abnormal (kandungan kolesterol yang tinggi)
** Ukuran lilitan pinggang yang besar (gemuk/obes)
Tanda awal yang menunjukkan seseorang itu mengidap diabetes ialah:

1. Gemuk/obes.
2. Kerap buang air kecil.
3. Penglihatan menjadi kabur.
4. Turun berat badan tanpa sebab.
5. Terdapat gelang kehitaman di keliling leher.
6. Jangkitan yis di bahagian sulit (wanita).
7. Umur melebihi 45 tahun.

Jika ada tanda-tanda di atas, segeralah buat pemeriksaan kesihatan dan mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya, di samping mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga supaya keadaan tidak bertambah teruk.
Perincian tentang tanda-tanda awal diabetes di panjangkan dalam artikel berikut….
7 Warning Signs of Diabetes

Barbara Brody, Woman’s Day
1. You’re Overweight
Even being just 10 to 15 pounds overweight can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If your child is overweight, make sure his pediatrician tests him, because type 2 diabetes is on the rise in kids. The encouraging news is that losing just 5% to 7% of your body weight can reduce your risk of diabetes, according to research from the Diabetes Prevention Program. Testing usually involves screening your blood for high glucose (sugar) levels. If they’re too high, you could have either type 1 or type 2. (See box, right, for explanations of the two types.) Your doctor will most likely be able to sort it out based on your age and symptoms. In some cases, you may also need to see an endocrinologist (specialist).
2. You’re Constantly Running to the Bathroom
“If your body doesn’t make enough insulin [a hormone that carries glucose into your cells to give them energy],” which can happen with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, “glucose builds up in your bloodstream and comes out in your urine,” explains Janet Silverstein, MD, chief of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Florida. Because you’re urinating a lot, you’ll probably also be very thirsty and drinking more than usual.
3. Your Vision is Blurry
High blood sugar levels cause glucose to build up in the lens of your eyes, making it harder for you to focus. This could mean that you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
4. You’re Losing Weight for No Apparent Reason
This is usually a sign of type 1 diabetes, but it sometimes happens with type 2. When the body can’t make insulin, glucose (sugar) from food can’t be used by the body’s cells for energy or stored, says Dr. Silverstein. In addition, fat starts to break down, making you lose more weight.

5. There’s a Dark Ring Around Your Neck
When your body starts pumping out too much insulin—which is common with type 2—receptors in the skin folds respond by making extra pigment, says Alyne Ricker, MD, pediatric endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.

6. You’re Getting Frequent Yeast Infections (for Women)
This can happen with type 1 or type 2, because a buildup of glucose can cause an overgrowth of yeast. Symptoms often include vaginal itching and thick discharge. Keep in mind that young children might instead get a diaper rash, and boys might get urethritis, a yeast infection of the urethra.

7. You’re 45 or Older
Diabetes risk goes up with age, so the American Diabetes Association recommends getting screened at least every three years starting at age 45.


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