Sekarang pelbagai penyakit atau wabak dah muncul. Perhatian untuk anda yang ada anak kecil atau bayi yang baru lahir, jangan sesekali mudah bagi orang sekeliling untuk cium atau gomol pipi anak anda sesuka hati.
Nak tahu kenapa? Kulit bayi sangat sensitif, antibody pun tak kuat. Jadi, peratus untuk mereka terdedah dengan sebarang alergik, wabak, penyakit dan sebagainya sangat tinggi.
Ini kami kongsikan sebuah posting daripada doktor yang bertugas di Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur, Suwaibatul Aslamiah. Mudah - mudahan ianya menjadi pengajaran untuk kita semua.
Harini berpeluang tgok 1 case baby post mortem.
Baru sebulan, baby girl, malay. Sedih sangat 😠bila tgok dia teringat anak kat rumah.
This baby girl sihat jee, tiba2 smlm pagi dia mcm ada signs of infection. Taknk susu, start demam, and rapid breathing. But unfortunately, her parents lambat seek for medical attention. Yelah, mgkin fikir takda apa2 nk monitor dulu and all. Tiba2, dlm pkul 12 lbh still tak resolve rapid breathing and dh unresponsive. Baru parents bawak pg GP first, for sure kena tolak ke ED terus. Bila sampai ED, cpr was performed. Unfortunately, the baby died ðŸ˜
She was the first baby to her parents 😢
After few hrs of post mortem, looking for the cause of death, the lungs of the baby were so bad. Mmg menunjukkan signs of infection yg ongoing dh lama. Smpai jd begitu, makanya mgkin dh lama baby tu tak sihat tp parents tak notice. So the cause of death was simple; viral pneumonia.
Know that viral pneumonia in adults are nothing, yes nothing! It can resolve on its own. But not in baby. Babies are fragile! So fragile. Tambah2 baru lahir, 1m 2m mcmtu. Dari mana these babies got those killer virals? From us! How? When we kissed them indirectly we spread the virals to these fragile human beings.
Jadinya lpasni jgn lah terasa hati klu ada parents yg tak bg kita cium anak dorg, yg menanggung kehilangan nnti their parents bukan kita.
Utk minggu ni saje, bak kata pakar forensic dh almost 6 babies died because of the same reason! So tolonglah stop cium all fragile babies! Give them lives, they deserve to live happily with their parents! Kasihani mereka, taknk tgok post mortem babies lg. My heart is fragile too..
Kredit Facebook Suwaibatul Aslamiah. Imej Healthline.com
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